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Welcome to Our Health Office


Katie Anderson
School Nurse


Our health office staff are here to help your child thrive at Booker, especially in these challenging times.  This year, many things are different due to the need for increased vigilance to keep everyone healthy.  Keep reading to see what’s happening in the health office and what you can do to keep your student healthy!

Suamy Zapata
School Health Assistant

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out!​

(702) 799-4720 Nurse Ext: 4021 / FASA Ext: 4022 or 4225


Nurse vs. Fasa

School Nurses are Registered Nurses (RN) who have a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and are licensed by the Nevada Department of Education and by the Nevada Board of Nursing. They are responsible for the overall school health program, including coordinating the activities of the health office. School nurses serve as a resource to parents, students, and staff regarding health concerns, as well as providing emergency care.


The first aid safety assistant (FASA) is certified in CPR/AED and basic first aid. The school nurse and the FASA work together to provide student health services, including first aid, medication administration, and emergency care

Every day, take your child’s temperature.  If it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, keep them home from school.  If your child isn’t feeling well, keep them home from school.  Sometimes even minor symptoms can be Covid-19.  


Other questions to answer every day, before you leave for school:

  • Is there a new cough?

  • Is my student having trouble breathing?

  • Are there any new symptoms of illness?

  • Has my student been exposed to someone who is Covid-19 positive?

  • Did my student test positive for Covid-19?


If the answer to any of these questions is yes, keep them home from school.  Please let us know if your child has tested positive for or has been exposed to someone with Covid-19.

Here is a handy flyer that puts it all together:
Checking Your Student Before Leaving Home

Please make sure your contact information and your emergency contact list is up to date in Infinite Campus.  Students who have symptoms of illness will be sent home.  It’s important we are able to contact you if we need to send your student home, and that you have a list of people available to come pick them up.  


Sign into Infinite Campus HERE:

In order to reduce traffic into the health office, we ask that if possible your student takes their medications at home instead of at school.  If it is absolutely necessary that medications be given at school, please call Barbara Ulrich, the School Nurse, to set up an appointment to receive the medication and proper forms.  You can reach her at

702-799-7185 x 4020.  Parents are not allowed to drop into the health office without an appointment.     


  • Medications need to be in their original packaging with the doctor’s instructions on the bottle or box.


  • If your child is bringing in an inhaler, spacers are highly recommended and require a doctor’s signature.   Nebulizers are generally not accepted this year due to increased risk of the spread of Covid-19.  


  • Before bringing in your child’s medication, print, complete and bring with you the following form.  


If you would like your student to carry their own medication, please contact the school nurse to see what options are available.  702-799-7185 x 4020

Masks keep everyone safe by slowing the transmission of the virus into the air.  However, not all masks are the same.  CCSD has put forth some guidelines on what and what not to wear when coming to school:


At CCSD, the masks must cover the face from the bridge of your nose to snugly under the chin

They may be:  cloth masks, surgical masks, masks with filters, or transparent/clear.  The best cloth mask will have three layers (two cotton and one synthetic) and can be washed and reused.​


  • Your mask may NOT:

    • Have exhalation vents

    • Be open at the top or bottom (for example, bandannas or clear plastic face shields without a mask underneath)

    • Leave open any part of the face from the bridge of the nose to under the chin

    • Gaiters may be used but are not recommended

​With only a few exceptions, almost everyone is required to wear a mask on CCSD property

The vaccines that are required for students at CCSD are mandated by the State of Nevada.  All students in CCSD must have their vaccines updated even though many of us are in online instruction.  If you have received a notice that your child needs a vaccine, you can contact your pediatrician or pharmacy, or you can contact the Southern Nevada Health District at this link:


Students are NOT required to get the Covid-19 vaccine to attend school

What can I do to prevent infections in my school?

You can help students and staff reduce their risk for getting and spreading viral respiratory infections, including the flu and the common cold, by following the simple steps below. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

• Avoid contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home while sick and avoid close contact with others.

• Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash


How are you keeping my child safe?

 1. At school, everyone is required to do the same things we have to do everywhere else:  

     - Masking

     - Social Distancing

     - Hand Hygiene

     - Restricted Movement


 2. Kids and staff are required to wear a mask all day. Everyone who comes into the school will be asked to use hand sanitizer, and  they will be socially distanced.  Desks will be spread apart to at least 6 feet.  


 3. If a student needs some minor first aid, the teacher will handle it instead of sending them to the health office.  Medication may be given in the classroom instead of sending the student to the health office.


 4. The health office has been divided into two rooms:  the SICK ROOM and the WELL ROOM.  Students who are not feeling well will go to the sick room.  Kids who have a medical issue, like a diabetic event or an injury, will be sent to the well room.   Kids in the sick room will wait there for their parents to pick them up.




What do I, as a parent need to do to keep everyone else at school safe?

Do these things every day before school:  

  1. Take your child’s temperature.  If it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, keep them home from school.  If your child isn’t feeling well, keep them home from school.  Sometimes even minor symptoms can be Covid-19. 


 2. Answer these questions:

      - Is there a new cough?

      - Is my student having trouble breathing?

      - Are there any new symptoms of illness, including cough, chills, sore throat, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste          or smell, congestion, fatigue, headache, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea?

      - Has my student been exposed to someone who is Covid-19 positive in the last 14 days?

      - Did my student test positive for Covid-19 inthe last 10 days?





                                           If the answer to any of these questions is yes, keep them home from school. 













 3. Make sure your student’s mask is clean and ready to go.  Pack an extra mask, if you have one, just in case the first one gets             dirty at school. 


 4. If in the past your child has taken medication at school, please revisit their medication schedule to see if there is any way you           can give it before or after school.   We want to limit traffic to the health office as much as possible.  


 5. Make sure your emergency contacts are updated.

     - If your child becomes sick we will need you to pick them up right away to help keep everyone, including your child, safe.  It’s             important that you or a designated person are available to answer the phone if we call.  



What happens if my child starts to feel sick at school?

 1. If your student starts showing any symptoms of illness, they will be escorted to the sick room with all their belongings, where the       person in charge will decide whether or not it is appropriate to send them home.  Please keep in mind that we will be extra               cautious in making these decisions for the safety of everyone in the building. 


 2. We will call you or your designee to come get them.  When you arrive, you will check in at the office and they will tell you where         to meet your child.  No parents are allowed into the sick room or the well room at this time.  


My child isn’t sick but sometimes has to go to the health office.  What are they supposed to do?

 1. Kids who have some chronic health issues, like diabetes, seizures, or a severe allergy, will be taken to the well room where the           trained staff will care for them just like in previous years.  Students who in the past have used the health office bathroom for             their needs will use the regular bathroom instead.  


 2. Kids who are injured will be taken to the well room for their care also.  


 3. We are asking that you try your hardest to make sure your kids have their medications before or after school to limit the traffic in       the school.  However, if medication is given, health office staff may give it in the classroom.



What if I don’t want my child to wear a mask?

Here is what CCSD has to say about wearing masks:  

“Except as otherwise set forth below, all CCSD students and employees must wear an approved face covering that covers the face from the bridge of the nose to snugly under the chin at all times while on CCSD property, including all buildings, grounds, and school buses, and/or while engaged in CCSD activities. 


  • Any student with a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504, or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) whose disability prevents them from wearing an approved face covering. A licensed health care provider must provide written documentation as to the student not being able to wear a mask. The modification or accommodation must be documented in the student’s IEP, Section 504 Plan, or ADA accommodation plan.  Students who do not meet the foregoing requirements will be required to continue with full-time distance education if they choose not to wear an approved face covering.

  • Any employee who has a qualifying medical condition under the ADA warranting such modification.”


Does my child need to get the Covid-19 vaccine to come to school?

No.  However, your child does need to have all the OTHER vaccinations mandated by the state in order to attend school.  If you know that your child is noncompliant, you can get their shots at their doctor’s office, at a pharmacy, or at the Southern Nevada Health District.  Use this link to reach out to the SNHD:


Kermit R. Booker, Sr. Elementary School
2277 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89106
tel. 702-799-4720 fax. 702-799-4727

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